NABIHA was born in Würzburg, Germany 1976.
THOM was born in Kattowice, Poland 1974.
The couple is working worldwide from their studio on the hill Stein / Steinberg Würzburg in Germany.
1997 – 1999 Visual Communication Photo-Design,
University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld
(Prof. Dr. Gottfried Jäger/Kulturpreis 2014 DGPh)
1999 – 2001 Photographic and Digital Arts, University of Westminster, London (with Tom Ang)
2001 Degree Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Photographic and Digital Arts Major Project and Dissertation
Is a self-portrait a portrait of the self? (with Gavin Jack and Andy Golding)
Since 2003 freelance artist
2004 Graduate Photo-Designer University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld Degree work /
Diplom FH Bielefeld Visuelle Kommunikation THE DREAM
(Prof. Karl-Martin Holzhäuser and Prof. Dr. Martin Deppner)
2006 Foundation of Unity Art Nabiha & Thom
1993 – 1994 Paratrooper
1994 – 2004 Law, Universities Wuerzburg and Bremen
1996 – 2000 Stagetechnician, mute and ballet, Stadttheater Wuerzburg
Since 1997 collaboration with Nabiha, diverse productions and
art projects in London,
Hamburg and on photojourneysin Europe, Asia and Afrika
2004 State Examination in Law
2004 Collaboration on THE DREAM
2005 – 2006 Junior Lawyer: Upper Regional Court Bremen,
District Court Bremen, Public Prosecutors office
(Juvenile Deliquency), Senatskanzlei Bremen (Media Department)
2006 Foundation of Unity Art Nabiha & Thom
Since 2007 freelance artist
Aktuell / Coming up 2025:
Einzelausstellung Nabiha & Thom
SPITÄLE Galerie Würzburg
26. September – 19. Oktober 2025
Live Events: