August 2020 – looking back:
In November 27th 2007 we sent out our first newsletter. It was more than one year after our huge UNITY solo show at Gruner + Jahr Gallery 11 in Hamburg and the nomination for the Bremen Award for Fine Arts in 2006 – both a huge installation with 300 UNITY images from the first 9 years of our collaboration (1997 – 2005).
We informed about an interview that the Bavarian Open Radio did with us. It was about couples that have been together for a long time (10 years at that time). Also, we were just about to take off to Aleppo in Syria:
Issa Touma, director of the international Women`s Art Festival at Le Pont Gallery invited us to show our longterm project UNITY. Today – after the terrible war in Syria – Issa is fortunately able to continue his strong work strengthening the importance of photography as a cultural language of art, love and peace on an international level.
We also invited to a group show called Faith. Love. Hope. at Hafenmuseum in Bremen where we showed our earliest Metamorphosis Leviathan.
Today, in 2020, we are able to look back at 23 years of collaboration as an artist couple.
Our hearts are full of gratitude about everything we could experience together and we are so much looking forward to what`s to come!
Join us via our newsletter, facebook or instagram if you want to follow our story!
Love & Hugs from
Nabiha & Thom, 2020
January 2025
Liebe FreundInnen zeitgenössischer Inspiration,
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass unsere Arbeiten dieses Jahr erneut
auf der wichtigen internationalen Kunstmesse
ART KARLSRUHE präsentiert werden! (…)
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November 2o24
Dear friends of photography and visual inspiration,
we would like to welcome all new subscribers
from English speaking parts of planet Earth
to our irregular studio update newsletter!
Thank you for being interested in our work.
As artist couple we playfully began to collaborate
and cooperate in February 1997. (…)
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September 2024
Dear friends of photography and visual inspiration,
please feel cordially invited to our
at Kunstgalerie Seib Würzburg
opening Friday, Sept 20 2024 at 19:00! (…)
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September 2024
Dear friends of photography and visual inspiration,
please feel cordially invited to
ARTE Wiesbaden international art fair!
Meet us at booth B8/2.
… and we are even more excited about our
soloshow coming up at Kunstgalerie Seib in the heart of Wuerzburg!
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July 2024
Dear friends of photography and visual inspiration,
change is the only constant in life.
Ever since we began our artistic collaborations as a couple early 1997
we have experienced many transformations
both in our personals lives and developements
and in our creative endeavours which consistently keep on growing.
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May 2024
Dear friends of photography and visual inspiration,
this is a cordial invitation to our next exhibition at
Dhira Art Galerie
Neu Isenburg / Frankfurt
opening next Saturday, May 25 2025 19:00! (…)
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April 2024
Dear friends of visual inspiration,
Thank you so much for your positive feedback for our artworks at
art KARLSRUHE 2024
international fair for classic modern and contemporary art!
Please enjoy a few impressions from the art fair:
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February 2024
Dear friends of visual inspiration,
this is a very cordial invitation to all art lovers to:
art KARLSRUHE 22 – 25 February 2024 –
International Fair for
Classic Modern and Contemporary Art! (…)
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January 2024
Dear friends of visual inspiration,
we hope this email finds you well.
We would like to thank everyone deeply from our hearts
who keeps interested in the development and support of our work.
Many of you have been folllowing our mutual collaboration and work since
1997 / 2006. In of couple of days it will be the 27th anniversary of our joint life and story.
We feel very grateful for this life experience. (…)
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November 2023
Liebe Freunde der visuellen Inspiration,
der diesjährige kreative Jahresendspurt gestaltet sich vielseitig und reichhaltig.
Wir freuen uns, Euch zu so vielen (kostenlosen) live Events einladen zu können,
neue Arbeiten zu zeigen und Euch wieder zu sehen! (…)
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October 2023
Liebe Freunde der visuellen Inspiration,
der diesjährige kreative Jahresendspurt gestaltet sich vielseitig und reichhaltig.
Wir freuen uns, Euch zu so vielen (kostenlosen) live Events einladen zu können, neue Arbeiten zu zeigen und Euch wieder zu sehen!
Es ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit, die Freiheit geniessen zu dürfen, Kunst zu schaffen, die nicht von irgendjemandem zensiert wird. Es ist auch keine Selbstverständlichkeit sich im kulturellen Rahmen von der Kreativität engagierter Menschen zu tiefen Gesprächen inspirieren lassen zu können ohne dabei Angst vor Bedrohungen von außen haben zu müssen. Wer weiß, wieviele Menschen auf diesem Planeten von solchen Möglichkeiten nur träumen können? (…)
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October 2023
Dear friends of visual inspiration,
we hope this email finds you well.
We would like to invite you to our next
exhibition opening:
Tuesday, October 17 2023 18:00 hrs
at Art Gallery Adriana
in Vienna! (…)
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July 2023
Dear friends,
we hope this email finds you well!
We would like to invite you to two
exhibition openings today and tomorrow
& quickly share the latest news
about our project
The Green Spirit and the Fascination for Nature
which is now part of the Climate Art Collection. (…)
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July 2023
Dear friends of photography, art and visual inspiration,
When the Earth is ravaged
and the Animals are dying,
a new Tribe of People shall come unto the Earth
from many Colors, Creeeds, and Classes,
and by their Actions and Deeds shall make
the Earth green again.
They shall be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow.
Hopi Prophecy
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April 2023
Dear friends of photography, art and visual inspiration,
We hope this email finds you well
and you are able to enjoy a spring full of hope and good ideas.
Please feel cordially invited to our next
groupshow April 14 – May 07 2023
at Künstlerhaus Ulm (…)
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February 2023
Dear friends of photography, art and visual inspiration,
We hope this email finds you well.
Please feel cordially invited to enjoy our latest works:
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December 2022
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde der Kunst,
herzliche Einladung zur Eröffnung der
VKU Winterausstellung LICHTBLICK (…) &
zu neuen GruppenAusstellung in die BBK-Galerie
im Kulturspeicher Würzburg
SA 19.11.22 – SO 18.12.22
BBK-Winter-Doppel-Ausstellung „Werkschau“:
Zeitenwende + Zeichnen zur Zeit VI (…)
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October 2022
Cordial Invitation to
Nabiha & Thom
Art to Go & Ibiza Art Fair Virtual 2022 (…)
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October 2022
Cordial Invitation to
Nabiha & Thom
The green Spirit & the Fascination of Nature
as part of the 32nd autumn of culture in the district of Würzburg
September 23 to October 16, 2022
online work presentation at:
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September 2022
At the beginning of art autumn 2022, the artist couple Nabiha & Thom
shows a selection of its colorful works of recent years
in the form of high-quality fine art minis in museum quality.
The prints are signed on the back and available in open edition for only 29 €.
The minis are complemented by the work Coco de Mer,
which deals with a fascinating and unfortunately endangered palm tree. (…)
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July 2022
Dear friends,
In a time when one wishes
your own imagination may become reality,
because the unbridled reality is just too unbelievable
(although this is only a consequence of the unrestrained,
underreflected madness of the last 50 years)
we are happy
to be able to invite you to another very concrete fantastical reality escape: (…)
June 2022
Dear friends of colourful inspiration,
photography and art,
please feel cordially invited to our next groupshow:
we are pleased to present our light object Hawa Mahal I
at the art summer 2022 at Wertheim Castle,
as part of the exhibition What moves us. (…)
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January 2022
Dear friends of photography,
harmonious, healthy & hopeful
New Year 2022
to you
& thank you from our hearts for your support
on all levels of digital and analogue life during the past year!
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December 2021
Liebe Freunde der Kunst,
wir laden recht herzlich zu BBK Doppelausstellung /
Zeichnen zur Zeit V / Unbekannte Flugobjekte
noch bis Sonntag, den 19.Dezember 2021
sowie zum
Live Künstlergespräch mit Nabiha & Thom in der Galerie:
am Sonntag den 12. Dezember 2021 von 14:30 bis 18:00 Uhr.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch! (…)
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October 2021
Liebe Freunde aus Würzburg & Umgebung,
Wir hoffen, jede/r ist wohl auf und konnte bis in den Spätsommer
noch ganz viel Sonne tanken!
Wir freuen uns, dass es mit unserer künstlerischen Arbeit im echten,
analogen Raum weiter geht und vor allem, dass diesen Winter wieder live Vernissagen möglich sein werden! (…)
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July 2021
Hallo ihr lieben,
herzliche Einladung zu unserer nächsten und 9. Ausstellung /
Kunst Live Event in Folge seit Lockdown Ende im März 2021!
Wer Lust auf visuelle Inspiration und gute Gespräche hat, ist herzlich eingeladen:
morgen, am Freitag den 30. Juli 2021 kann kurzfristig ein VIP private view (inoffizielle Vernissage)
der Ausstellung DIE NEUEN in der Spitäle Galerie
an der Alten Mainbrücke in Würzburg stattfinden. (…)
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July 2021
Dear friends all over the globe,
we hope this studio update finds you well, healthy, and full of good ideas!
After far too long without live events and exhibition openings
we are now very happy to be able to invite you to
> one exciting exhibition opening on Thusday, July 15 2021 from 17 – 21 hrs:
at the pop up art exhibition
» I T E R A T I O N «, Sudhaus, Bürgerbräu, Würzburg
> the finissage of our current group show
DIE NEUEN at BBK Galerie im Kulturspeicher, Würzburg on
Sunday, July 18 15:00 – 18:00 hrs.
> and the finissage of MEININGER KUNSTORTE, Schlosspark Meiningen on
Saturday July 17 2021, beginning at 14:00 hrs. (…)
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June 2021
Liebe Kunst- und Kulturfans aus Würzburg & Umgebung,
Fühlt Euch herzlich eingeladen zur Ausstellung
in der BBK-Galerie im Kulturspeicher in Würzburg.
Wir freuen uns so sehr, dass diese ursprünglich für April 2020 geplante Ausstellung
nach 1,5 Jahren Pandemie und Lockdowns jetzt endlich stattfinden kann! (…)
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April 2021
Dear friends of visual arts,
we hope this studio update finds you well and in good health and spirits.
We feel relieved to finally be allowed again to continue a very important part of our normal work as professional artists after 14 months of lockdowns, cancelled exhibitions and postponed shows.
While lockdowns and insecurities continue here in Germany during this incredible third wave of the pandemic, we are now able to invite you to numerous national and international events:
live and online and each with strict health security precautions. (…)
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December 2020
Liebe Freunde der Kunst!
Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch das Ergebnis unseres
Interactive Art Production Project Projekts mitzuteilen:
VARAHA II-I, 2020.
VARAHA II-I, 2020 ist Teil der Serie VARAHA II
und hat die meisten Stimmen erhalten.
Die Sonderedition ist ab sofort erhältlich! (…)
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August 2020
Dear friends of Unity Art,
we are happy to be able to tell you that we are now also represented by the VKU,
and its beautiful gallery space Spitaele in the heart of Wuerzburg.
The artist run gallery has been around for more than 100 years
and is one of the most important exhibition spaces in the area.
The current summer group show can be visited until August 30 2020.
We are presenting our new work GAIA for the first time. (…)
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June 2020
Invitation to exhibition without opening & new works
Dear friends,
hopefully you all managed to stay healthy during the last weeks
and will continue to do so.
We have been very productive during the time of the lockdown
and now feel relieved to finally be able again to invite you all
to another local group show called „tierisch gut“ at
BBK Galerie in Würzburg beginning on Sat June 27 until Sun July 19 2020.
We will be presenting Maha Ganesha for the first time to the public. (…)
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March 2020
Release of new artwork & more
Dear friends,
What if everyone would stop fighting war, because they are afraid of Corona?
What if this is the common enemy that helps humanity to overcome
all regional, cultural and mental boundaries?
What if this is the chance for humanity to finally lean how clever it would be to collaborate on a global scale?
What if this is the chance to transcend narrow mindedness and uplift our spirits
to collectively work together to heal ourselves and the earth? (…)
Read our thoughts at the beginnig of the Corona pandemic:
January 09 2020
Happy Healthy Balanced New 2020!
Dear friends of Unity Art,
THANK YOU from our hearts for your interest in our work,
THANK YOU for your continual support, inspiration
and loyal following of our activities!
Some of you have been following our progress not only for years,
but for two decades now.
It means a lot to us, when our works are seen, enjoyed and collected! (…)
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December 06 2019
Psst… Fine Art small works Edition COCO DE MER Deal Starts Today!
Hello everyone,
we are very happy to let you know that our COCO DE MER Fine Art small works Triptych Art Edition
is now available for all dear readers of our newsletter. (…)
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November 19 2019
Save the Date. Fine Art small works Edition COCO DE MER & Invitation exhibition opening Spiritus
Dear friends of visual inspiration,
save the date! We are super excited to announce the release of our new small works series,
the COCO DE MER Fine Art small works Triptych Art Edition! (…)
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June 10 2019
Einladung zum Kunstfestival Kap-Hoorn ART 15.+16. Juni in Bremen
Dear art enthusiasts and friends of visual inspiration,
we are happy that our far traveled series DOORS OF PERCEPTION has been selected for presentation at this year’s Kap-Hoorn ART festival themed Transparencies. (…)
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January 4th 2019:
Happy New 2019 – The earth without art is just “eh“. (Demetri Martin)
Dear friends,
how would the world be like without art? (…)
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